Never heard of people asking: Can Allopathy or so-called Modern Medicine treat kidney disease? Will I completely be cured?
The patient once diagnosed with kidney problem consults Nephrologist and starts medicine as prescribed or go for dialysis if recommended. Not to forget here – “Dialysis is not a treatment. It’s just a support system or a bridge until the patient gets a kidney transplant.” Does the patient ever try to check or analyze - What negative effects these allopathic medications have on their body?
And if Doctor advises to look for kidney donors and go for a transplant, Do we ever think how successful Kidney transplant is?
If we don’t doubt or question the Allopathic System of treatment then why at each and every step there is a question for Ayurvedic Treatment which is our own traditional and practiced in India for ages.
Can Ayurveda Treat Kidney Disease?
YES YES YES, Ayurveda can treat Chronic Kidney Disease, kidney stones, kidney failure, and other infections. Kidneys are the most adaptable organs in the human body. When kidney functionality reduces due to any infection or damage, the healthy cells start working more to compensate for the damaged cells. That’s why by the time symptoms show up it's already too late. Kidney disease is caused by many factors of which the most important are diabetes, high blood pressure, and pain killers.
Are you aware of the fact: Allopathic medicine prescribed in the treatment of Diabetes, High blood pressure, and steroids in case of auto-immune disorders further effects kidneys and creates more kidney patients worldwide and we are unaware of this bitter fact? Metformin prescribed in Diabetes is toxic to kidneys and can’t be used once Creatinine goes beyond 2 mg/dl.
Does anybody know statins prescribed for reducing cholesterol levels can cause kidney failure?
Does anybody know prolonged use of HCQs & Folitrax (medicines used in auto-immune disorders and cancers) can cause kidney failure???
We don’t know a lot more such issues, but we have been taking these drugs for years, and we have a complete and sound faith in Allopathy that it will help save from kidney failure & associated disorders.
Don’t you think there is an urgent need for a safe and secure system of medicine that can provide a cure without creating any negative side effects and damaging other organs? Ayurveda is now, therefore, being researched around the globe for a safe journey of life. An Ayurvedic Kidney Expert Doctor can provide Kidney Treatment in Ayurveda.
Now Ayurvedic Treatment for Kidney Failure works on 3 goals:
- Controlling the symptoms
- Eradicating the root cause
- Improving kidney function
Just suppressing the symptoms and let the disease aggravate within is what allopathic treatment does. On the contrary, Ayurveda not only controls the symptoms but also works to treat the root cause stopping the progression of the disease. Even the shrunken kidneys can be revived with Ayurveda. Ayurvedic Treatment for Kidney Failure if followed religiously can STOP DIALYSIS, AVOID TRANSPLANT and patient could lead a healthy life without medicines.
Ayurvedic Treatment is multifold and involves many factors –
- Focusing on the symptoms
- Treating the root cause
- Controlling the Risk Factors
- Role of Diet
- Yoga and Pranayama
Kidneys' basic function is to filter the harmful wastes from our bodies. So when kidney functionality reduces, there is toxin buildup within the body. At times, the patient has a problem urinating so there is fluid accumulation also. In such conditions, diet, yoga, and pranayama help overcome these complications.
As we can see, Ayurveda is not only about Ayurvedic medicines or herbs. It is a Science of healthy living. If we can live the Ayurveda way, we can fight off any disease with ease.
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